Blinkit’s compassionate gesture brings joy to hospitalised customer. Here’s what happened

The customer, who was ordering items from a hospital, noticed that once Blinkit had his location, the company sent him and his family their warm wishes.

Blinkit, an online grocery delivery platform, won the hearts of many on social media after their small gesture didn’t go unnoticed by a customer. The customer, who was ordering items from a hospital, noticed that once Blinkit had his location, the company sent him and his family their warm wishes.

Blinkit sent a wholesome message to a customer. (LinkedIn/@PrabhatMotwani)
Blinkit sent a wholesome message to a customer. (LinkedIn/@PrabhatMotwani)

“Blinkit’s small gesture just made my day. While ordering from the hospital, I saw this msg on Blinkit UI: ‘We noticed your order is from a hospital. Sending you and your dear ones our warmest wishes’. This is a very small thing they can ignore among thousands of customers, but this can lift up someone’s mood which has been in hospital for the last few days. It’s great to see companies go beyond transactions and show genuine care for their customers,” wrote Prabhat Motwani in the post.

This post was shared June 30. Since being posted, it has gained close to 6,000 likes, and the numbers are only increasing. The share also has numerous likes and comments.

Here’s how people reacted to it:

An individual wrote, “I remember ordering from Swiggy when I was in hospital at the time of restaurants getting closed. The owner of the restaurant called me and asked me to wait as there were no delivery boys. Someone from his restaurant will deliver the order on his way home.”

Another posted, “A couple of weeks back, I was hospitalised and had ordered some stuff from Blinkit in the hospital. Due to the hospital security, the delivery person wasn’t able to come to my room, but since we had spoken on call and he heard my voice, he knew I was in a bad condition. Finally, the delivery person was able to convinve the security and made it to my room with one of the security. While leaving, he said some comforting words that made me tear up. I always say it’s the little things in life, and this was one!”

“Indian companies are slowly but steadily moving into being more and more customer-centric. Zomato/Blinkit have never failed us in such initiatives and are raising the bar each day. Appreciate such kind gestures and hoping to see more companies to follow and append,” commented a third.

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